Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Tims has show and tell this Friday. He has to bring something that starts with B. My mind is racing and I feel like being naughty and I wonder what would happen if he brought a beer. Beer starts with B. So does Bong. My mind is still racing. The other wonderful letters of the alphabet lend themselves to equally interesting objects. S for Swiss Army Knife, G for Gasoline, L for Lighter, C for Cigarette, M for Martini, H for Hot Dog, T for Television, W for Walleye, J for Joint. I think you can jump on my train of thought. The reaction of Timmer's teacher is my only motivation. I will probably let him go with B for Ball like he had planned and try to take my thoughts captive.


Kelli said...

Boa Constrictor

kristi noser said...

How about a bra? Bra starts with B. Man, I could go a long way in the imagination with this post as fodder. Get over here and let's laugh.

Anonymous said...

umm, yea. I think your instincts are right on with letting him pick. ;-) It's still a bit early in the school year to give the new teacher the vapors. Although who hasn't had the fantasy. . .


Carla said...

V for Vapors

Sorry. Can't stop now....

Anonymous said...

or, for vipers

Oh no, now I you have me started.


Karla with a K said...

Is this going to embarrass me --- Walleye??

Does his teacher read this? Because that could make all this M for Moot. (not that you'd bring a moot, of course.)

Carla said...

Walleye=a fish

The teacher does not read this.

Kandi said...

LMAO on the "B for Bong!" If that's the case, he ought to have B for Bag, too. Or Baggie. Or Bo'W (bag o' weed).
Oh, I want to be in the room when you, Kristi, and Kelli get going on this.

Carla said...

Although exploring the thoughts in my brain could be frightening territory we could totally get the LAFFS going on this one.
B is for Bo Staff

kristi noser said...

Booger! Betcha all the kidders could get in on that one.
On that note, Brenda's comment would be right on--"...letting him pick."
Ah, I crack myself up.

erin said...

I like bong. You could teach him how to make one. What sweet bonding time.
Bonding with your boy over his bong.

Carla said...

Just to clarify. I do not possess a bong or a joint or a cigarette or a Martini or a Swiss Army Knife. I have none of those things.

Anonymous said...

Last year when my 5yo had to bring something to her Christian pre-school for Q, I toyed with sending her with a picture of Elton John! :)