Tims was given some flannel loveys when he was a baby. Thanks,
Laura! He couldn't say lovey so they came to be called Re. We were down to one brown and disgusting Re until now. Thanks,
Just in case you cannot distinguish between them, the old Re is on the left. The new ones are on the right.
It was a joy and my pleasure to sew new REs!
Why I love you so much is because of the "Just in case you cannot distinguish..." part.
What Erin said.
I love you too, Karla with a K.
I think Re's should be in every new baby basket we hand out from FCC:) How funny that Pat was in the office picking up your basket the day I dropped them off. The new ones are much cleaner! :) Thanks Kristi!
What a great idea, LD!! Four years ago......:)
Timmers last day of nursery was today. Wow. I have had a child in the nursery at church for 12 1/2 years!!!
kristi noser,
Very nice "re's"! What baby doesn't love 'em?
I clicked on your blog link and found "People of Wally Mart". O my gosh, what a treat! :)
Your son is just like Owen. Do you know that story? :D
I have an Owen, too. But he has a "busybee," not a "Re."
Not sure how they come up with these things... lol
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