Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Bee!! A Bee!!

Slam on the brakes.
Tell Stream children to sit still.
Open all of the van doors.
Open all of the van windows.
Ignore gawkers and passers-by.
Wave goodbye to the bee as he leaves.
Wave goodbye to the people.

Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.


Bethany said...

lmbo! Been there!

Henrietta G. Shakespeare said...

Based on the repetitive post title, it's not clear how many insects were in the van.

Two bees or not two bees -- that is my question.

Carla said...

One bee.
One fell swoop.

The Child-Eatimg Tiger Who Tricks You into Leaving the Van said...

Next time, open the van door wide and leave the children unattended for ten minutes. A bee will never sting a kid under those circumstances, and will eventually leaves out of boredom.

Karla with a K said...

On one vacation we were driving down the highway, and I think it was my daughter - a bee flew in the window, stung her on the mouth, and flew back out the window.
(sorry about the lack of sentence structure there.)