Tuesday, March 09, 2010


I drink a cup of Yogi Bedtime Tea to help me settle in for slumber. There is an old post about that lying around here somewhere but I am too lazy to find it. I love my tea! Except for the tiny little tag that is attached. Some of the lamest thoughts are on that tag. Here are a few of my least favorites.

1. Without realizing who you are, happiness cannot come to you.

2. There are three values: Feel good, be good, do good.

3. Unite with your own higher self and create a friendship.

4. Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light.

5. Experience your own body, your own mind and your own soul.

Henceforth, over all of this profound lameness I will be writing John 3:16 in black Sharpie.


kristi noser said...

AUGGGGHHHH it's like those Dove sayings in New Age!

I think on the Yogi tea tags it should say "Haaay Boo Boo!" on every one.
I'm just sayin'.

erin said...

Every. Single. Word. That. Kristi. Said.

kristi noser said...

thank you my friendforever.

Anonymous said...

Your "higher" self?!?!? It sounds like they are the ones on marijuana.

It's sad, really.


Kandi said...

I was thinking the same things that KJ (and therefore Erin)mentioned. Isn't it absurd that someone actually gets PAID to write this drivel?!?

erin said...

What I want to know is, how does one get that gig? I write drivel all the time and nobody pays me!

Carla said...

I am interested in that gig as well. Oh and Dove chocolate and fortune cookies.

Janet said...

LOL. Great comments. I was thinking Yogi bear on drugs...

Seriously, is that Yogi tea safe? I hear that sometimes natural herbs and plants can be harmful to one's health.

Carla said...

I believe that tea is safe.

This one is made with organic chamomile, organic spearmint leaf,
organic cinnamon bark and a whole lotta other organic stuff.

Vannah said...

Awww, I thought that it was good advice. ^.^

I get a lot of my advice from fortune cookies and babies (no one gives better advice then rolly polly babies, in my opinion- eat, sleep, play, learn...good stuff).

But funny post! :)