Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just A Couple More

There are a few days a month where I am totally crabby. ifyouknowwhatimeanandithinkyoudo
I put circles on the family calendar to give everyone the heads up. Since Sarah now has her own daily planner/calendar she is usually quite busy keeping tabs on the goings on around here. She asked me today with calendar in hand, "Mom, are there any other days this month you are planning on being angry?"


Karla with a K said...

omg, Carla, when I was in my 20's and had a PAYING job, there was a co-ed group of us who got along pretty well joking and teasing each other. Well, one day a co-worker was asking me a question. It must have been quite a response I gave because he said something about why don't I give them some kind of warning. So they took to hanging this red keychain inside my cubicle when someone felt it was a day I was better left to myself.
They all thought this was very funny.

So, no, Iobviouslyhavenoideawhatyouaretalkingabout!

Karla with a K said...

btw, did you tell Sarah that yes, there would be a couple more days?

Unfortunately, sometimes I'm moody at the 1/2 way point as well. Twice as much fun than just at the end!

Kandi said...

"Sarah, honey, only the ones that end with a 'y'."

Janet said...

Wow, if a circle on the calendar is all it takes to get the kids (and hubby) to play nice, I could expand the idea to "any day mom is cranky and doesn't want to be disturbed". Where's that red pen of mine?

Carla said...


Kandi and Janet,
I suppose you could circle every day on the calendar but my family is pretty bright. They would catch on.

Kelli said...

Yes, but tell her you like the element of surprise.