Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Tims is close to the boiling point. He wants a movie. He does not know the title. He did describe it for me though. It has boys. Boys who skate. It has girls. They skate too. There is this hill and this car and it goes down the hill. The car has eyes.

He will lose his everloving mind in just a few moments. No pressure.


Janet said...

What is it?

(I didn't see the movie, but that would be my guess.)

Carla said...

Don't know. I redirected him by baking cookies. Whew. That was close.

Henrietta G. Tavish said...

"Citizen Kane," perhaps? No skates, but it does have a sled named "Rosebud." And I can see how the headlights on the 1940's cars could be mistaken for eyes.
Did Tims mention that it was an epic roman a clef employing a metaphysical detective story to conduct a psychological and allegorical investigation into man's inner self?

Carla said...

He totally mentioned that, Henrietta. Word for word. Amazing!

Carla said...

Ok. I held up every movie. Tims said yes or no.

The winner? Fisher Price Little People Vol 1 Big Discoveries.


Karla with a K said...

*sniff sniff*
I love Big Discoveries.
It's kind of funny how they never seem to discover that their hands are so big though.