Friday, February 12, 2010

Going For the Gold

Sarah had a lyceum last week. Karyn Bye-Dietz came to tell the students about being on the first women's Olympic hockey team. She lives a couple of miles away. Sarah was quite impressed with the silver medal and the gold. Guess who wants to play hockey in the Winter Olympics and win a medal?


kristi noser said...

Josh? I'll bet it's Josh. I can totally se him on the podium.
Hey Josher,
I betcha if you were an Olympic gold medalist, you'd know that map-girl's name. Or better yet, she would know yours.

Janet said...

Did you see the opening ceremonies last night? I thought it was awesome. Loved the ever-changing floor.

I've never been to Canada - have to go soon!
(Any suggestion on what to do there at the end of March?)

erin said...

Me! It's me. I can't wait to play hockey in the Winter Olympics this year. I may not be on the first women's team, but I'll be the first to give birth on the ice.
Gold medal, here I come.