Tuesday, December 08, 2009

You Betcha!

Up at 2:30am because I couldn't sleep anyway. I was ready to go!! Arrived at the Mall of America parking lot at 4:30am. There were quite a few cars there already and we were asked to please wait until 5am and then we could drive(in an orderly fashion, no bumper cars)to the parking ramp. People started RUNNING for the mall. I wanted to stay in the car as long as possible(18 degrees out)so my friend and I got into line at around 5:15am. We took turns going back to the car and heating it up. The line started moving into the mall at 6am. We walked into the blessed warmth at 6:20. Wrist bands at 8ish. Got one!! We took turns for breaks and coffee and sandwiches and wandering about. It is hard to stay in line for hours on end!! I got antsy and took many walk abouts to chit chat on the cell phone. I met so many AWESOME, LIKE MINDED folks. So fun meeting and gabbing and relating over politics. Instant bonds form when you are napping on the floor of a mall together.
Sarah, Todd and Trig Palin came out at 11:40am!! They are such a gorgeous family! The crowd went nuts and the media was EVERYWHERE! In my way, more like. I told one reporter to move his rearend so I could see Mrs. Palin.(I am hoping I told him that in my head)We got to see them as the line moved on and she signed books with lightening speed! Todd handed her a book and she gabbed and smiled and shook hands while she signed. It was almost my turn to head up onto the stage! Trig was not there. :( I shook Sarah's hand as I got to her and asked if she would sign my shirt. She did! She signed my book and I handed her a precious feet pin and told her it was in memory of Tad.(Her baby lost to miscarriage)She got teary eyed and said, "That is just so precious! Thank you! God bless you! Todd, isn't that precious?" He nodded. I told her that I loved her and she said she loved me too. I shook Todd's hand and told him it was so nice to meet him. I was then quickly ushered off stage!! Buh bye, woman.
I was interviewed by Star Tribune and someone else videotaped me yapping about Sarah Palin. Many folks took pictures of my signed shirt. I guess she is not supposed to do that. I submit that she can pretty much do whatever she wants. Her book. Her gig. Her people.

After 7 1/2 hours in a line this nutjob had had enough. Home at 2:30pm. SO WORTH IT!!

Pictures are coming.......but here is one for ya!!



Vannah said...

Aww, I'm so happy that you got to meet her, Carla. I'm glad that it was a good (if exhausting!) experience! :D

Bethany said...

A lot of people at the Birmingham event told me I should try to get my shirt signed but by the time I got there I was just so relieved to have given her mom the shirt and pin that I didn't think about it! Now I wish I had! LOL That is so awesome that she signed it. I'm so happy for you, Carla...it sounds like you had such a terrific time!!

Janet said...

How nice of you to give Sarah the precious feet!