Sarah is entering the Just Say No To Drugs poster campaign. The winners will have their posters made into a calendar. Sarah chose a farm scene and explained to me that there was a barn and the farmer was doing beer and the pig was saying oh no. She told her Daddy that the farmer was smoking a beer. Um. Thinking we might need to explain how one consumes beer so she can just say no to drinking one someday.
We had a daughter around the same age of Sarah with whom we had a drug talk one night. We sorta "role played" what she would say if invited by friends to participate in drug activity. I made up a young teenish scenario about sneaking out, and telling your parents one thing but actually doing another and trying dugs. Then I ask her, "Now what would you say?" She said. "I don't know mom. It sounds like fun." My husband said, "Great job. You just made drugs sound like fun." I am happy to report, despite me, she never went down that path...
I would say that it's great that she doesn't know. That makes her resourceful, youthful, and definitely better off without drugs or alcohol! Sarah is a strong, capable, intelligent young girl- no need for alcohol there. :D
My mom was always paranoid because (apparently), I was able at a young age to point out the pefect method of injecting heroin to get the best score(I promise- I'm not a druggie) or something like that.
God bless farms, I'd say.
Carole, You make everything more fun.
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