Monday, September 21, 2009

No Peace

I usually envision a quiet worship service and finding the peace in the chaos of my life, if only for a time in church. I almost found it yesterday but the cherubs were busy talking and fidgeting and sitting when they were supposed to be standing. I picked up Tims from the nursery and he TOOK OFF like a rocket. Just ran like the wind and I did my best to dodge adults and grab that boy. I walkedran after him through the rows of chairs and whisperyelled for him to STOP! He did not. I caught the eye of a friend who is raising 3 boys as well. While she was laughing at me she said, "I am so not laughing at you."


LadyD said...

I noticed a lot of us parents having a hard time with the younguns in church yesterday, I think Sunday School should start when regular school starts:)The summer of shushing was long enough.

Carla said...

The summer of shushing and chasing.
Promise we will crack open a cold one someday and LOL about these days.

Chris Arsenault said...

Carla - against the back wall of your church, install a low wooden rack with holes drilled with increasing sizes - sort of like a drill index.

Within the holes, place nicely cleaned and well worn sticks (bamboo, willow etc.) of increasing sizes.

Hold a small Bible study for the rambunctious young ones, right in front of the rack, explaining that disobedience will be corrected with the rods. Each elevated case of disobedience steps up one on the rack.

You're creative enough to name it...

erin said...

Sometimes I wish other mommies would just GRAB Shirley so I don't have to chase her any further.
Tell you what, if I see Tims taking off, I'll grab him. You can do the same for me--if you so desire. :)

LadyD said...

Mr. Arsenault- Your name reflects your idea, I highly doubt any of us would hit our kids with rods. I will assume you were joking.

Carla said...

Of course he is joking.

My dear friend from the PL movement, I would call that tough love.