Tuesday, August 25, 2009

One Day

I was asked what my goals for the triathlon were. Well, starting and finishing comes to mind. But to be more specific I would like to finish in under 24 hours. It would be nice to run to the finish line and see my husband sitting out by the campfire, sipping his coffee while my children shake their sleepy heads and crawl out of the tent to say, "YAY, MOM!"


the fam said...

I think you'll do great and it will be a breeze! And I predict a less-than-24-hour finish for you!

Can you listen to some music for the running and biking part? I am surprised how much the right music makes the time fly by. By concentrating on singing along, and anticipating the next song, etc, the monotony and exertionof the [insert your physical activity here] is greatly reduced.

erin said...

I agree with Carole. Do you have an iPod? You can borrow mine!

erin said...

Dear Carole,
When are you starting a blog?

Karla with a K said...

Ok, Carla, a laugh as always.
How much under 24 hours do you think you might be able to do (or, was this post an original as far as lacking in sarcasm?)

I can't believe you. I think you're awesome!

Carla said...

One cannot use an IPOD during a race. There are safety issues, people.

I heart sarcasm, Karla. :)
I am hoping to finish in 2-3 hours? I have no idea really.