Monday, August 10, 2009

It Goes So Fast

I took my only daughter to get her ears pierced yesterday. She is growing up right before my eyes. It was gratifying to think that I had to wait for the arbitrary age of 12, I was all alone and it hurt. A lot. I love that her life is better than mine was. Sarah picked out her birthstone, sat on my lap and was excited/nervous. She held on tight and didn't make a peep while she was pierced. I was the one that cried.


Melissa said...

Congrats to your daughter!! :) Cuteness!!

My Mom asked me when I was six if I wanted mine pierced and I was like, "Sure!" I later found out that she had an alterior motive. LOL See, she got my hair chopped really short and I looked rather boyish. The earrings were and attempt to make sure others knew I was a girl. LOL

erin said...

Congratulations, Sarah! You are growing up into such a beautiful young woman!

Keithslady said...

What a joy to know you've "broken the cycle". Your daughter is blessed.

Janet said...

How pretty! Just like Mom. :)

Kelli said...

Yay, Sarah! Yay, Mom, for chucking the rules!

Carla said...

Thank you for your sweet comments about my girly whirly. :)

I love chucking The Rules! Especially the arbitrary age one.

Janet said...

My daughter was bugging me to get her ears pierced when she was quite young because her older cousins were doing it. I told her she could have it done when she was as tall as me. It was pretty arbitrary, but it kept her quiet for four or five years. :)