Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Stream Berries

I am wondering if these are edible. If they are then I no longer have to skim them out of the pool. Snacktime, kids!


Janet said...


Hi Carla,

I'm 99.9712345% sure these are mulberries. We used to eat them right off the tree as kids (actually I still do when I find them) and they are sweet and delicious. Wash them if there are pesticides used in the area or when you pull them out of the pool. :) My Mom used to make a pie every summer. Your kids would enjoy doing the picking. Yum.

I'm off to the mall for some shopping with my Mom and daughter. Have a beautiful day.

-V- said...

We had trees full of these at our Roseville house. Yummy on ice cream!

Carla said...

Thank you so much, girls!! Good to know!! :)