Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Don't Go Changin

An old student stopped by yesterday. I used to teach middle school Learning Disabilities. This student every now and again needs to study for a test to further his education or get certified in another aspect of his career. He needs books on tape and I am willing to do that. Just like the old days! He was 13 when I taught and is now 26. Funny how they grow old and I don't.


erin said...

That's so cool, Carla!
I bet it makes you feel so good to have him come back over and over again.

Krystal said...

How cool! I always love it when I see a teacher of mine from my past. There are only a few teachers who when I do see them we usually burst into tears.
I never knew you were a teacher and now I hold you even higher in my mind!