Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nerd Mom

Sarah had a birthday party to attend. I usually have a bunch of those present bags lying around with tissue paper. I sent her on her way and she had a great time. She came back with the same birthday bags with the tissue paper neatly folded. I asked her why she had them. She said,"I told the mom that you needed those back."


Anonymous said...

Guess Sarah remembered from the last time you told her to bring them back. Looks like she forgot to retrieve the wrapping paper and scotch tape, though. And the present.

Carla said...

The disconnect here would be that I save the bags and the tissue paper from birthday parties in Our.Own.Home. I wave buh-bye to all presents, bags, tissue paper and tape leaving for parties Out.There.

erin said...


Kara Jo said...

Oh. My. Goodness. Can't remember the last time I read anything this funny. I could totally see my kids doing that to me. How embarrassing!

Anonymous said...

Sarah: "My mom needs those back."

The Mom: "She probably only saves the ones from the parties at your house."

Sarah: I know, but let me take them anyway because she's running out of material for her blog.

Carla said...

I will NEVAH run out of blog fodder TRT...NEVAH!! After cherubs comes grandcherubs....muwhahahahahahahaha