Friday, February 06, 2009

Calling Patrick

I got that feeling yesterday. That tightening of the gut that tells me something just isn't right. He asked me if I needed help with my groceries and after I said no he continued to stare and ask and linger. No. He waited in his car. I took my time bagging my groceries as the feeling grew. He was still sitting there, in his car. Alone. I headed out to the parking lot and called my knight on my cell phone. I quickly threw the bags in the back of the van as his car pulled out and drove by slower than slow and left. I was trying to keep calm but wanted to shriek at my knight to gallop on over to Aldi! I do not always appreciate this God given feeling but I am learning how to listen and to trust it. Too many times in my life I ignored it and paid the price.

Lucky for Mr. Smooth he didn't get outta that car. I would have had to go all Tae Bo or Karate Kid on him in the Aldi parking lot.


Carla said...

It would have been more like Kung Fu Panda.

kristi noser said...

Kung Fu Carla.
Good thing you have the DANGER RADAR!

Anonymous said...

The Karate Kid used to call Pat to get him out of jams too.

Anonymous said...

Carla, you did the right thing. Always listen to that instinct that tells you when something isn't right. I'm glad you're okay.

erin said...

I'm glad you're alright, too. Though I have to admit I would really like to see Kung Fu Carla.

Carla said...

I would like to see that too.

Anonymous said...

So, would that be like...

What does Kung Fu Panda use for a weapon?

A pan...duh!

I'm glad you're fine, too. Add me to the "Would like to see Kung Fu Carla" list.

Sandra said...

I had a similar experience when I was a young mother, shopping at the grocery store at midnight because sometimes that's the only time young mothers can shop. I've always remembered the group of men who were the only other ones in the whole lot when I came out. By the grace of God, they never approached me, but their conversation stopped and I felt them watching me, so I think they thought about it, but I never shopped by myself at midnight again. Lesson learned.