Monday, January 05, 2009


On one of the coldest days of the year(-4)it is only fitting that our heat is out. Yeah. Figures. The space heaters are cranking, the extra blankets thrown on the cherubs and I am blogging. It is never too cold to blog, I always say.

I made The Bigs walk to school today. I didn't want to deprive them of the experience of telling their grandcherubs that they had to walk 2 blocks(!!!)to school on the coldest day of the year. I'm a fun Mom like that.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, Carla...ours was out the last few weeks and it got really cold at some points. We finally are getting us some gas put in our tank today. I hope you get some heat soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I hope your furnace can be repaired SOON!

Butrfly Garden said...

Yikes, carla! I hope it gets fixed soon!

I will stop whining about the wind chilling my house out now. :(

Keith Marler says it's going to warm up a lot today, though! Hopefully before icicles form in your house.

LadyD said...

Oh no, is it gas? Did the pilot flame thing go out? I had to light it once when Jer was gone....
Hope you don't get too cold~
Our septic system is frozen solid and we can't let anything down any drains, and our hot water heater froze and exploded it's copper pipes....But you are right, there is always time to check the blogs....Now I better go boil water to do dishes:)

Carla said...

It's a cracked something.(insert name of furnace part)Should be fixed some time later today.

I am in the living room with a flannel sheet covering the entry way and the space heater cranked.

When will your stuff be repaired?

LadyD said...

Jerry started working 12 hour days today....for at least 2 weeks.....great timing, NOT.
I am not sure when he will ever get to it.
He was going to do it Saturday and had a digger thing ready to dig up the front yard and re-do the septic pipes....But then he woke up Sat. morning with the puke flu.
I guess maybe this weekend he will do the septic system, and then maybe in another couple weekends put in a hot water heater....
fun stuff, I am telling you:(
Too bad we have no money or I would have some guys here doing it today.
Our well has run dry from all of this crap. No pun intended.

Anonymous said...

Well, we have heat, just not really in the shower. Well, if you're the first shower, and nothing else is running, it's warm for the first few minutes. Our plumber knows how to fix it. We just haven't heard from him yet. He's a busy guy. I'd like a hot shower, but we do have heat. So I can't really complain.

Butrfly - pretty picture.

LadyD - egads!

And Carla, hope you're warm soon.

ps Our first day back to school started with a delay. I was actually glad. I got to sleep in an extra hour. 2 kids slept extra. But I did NOT get to sit alone in my quiet, clean house. Groceries instead. At least that nasty chore is done now.

Carla said...

I am so sorry.

The heater guy just got here and I am glad you got to sleep in a bit today!!
That is one of butrfly's wedding pictures. :)

LadyD said...

Don't be sorry- It is really okay.
We are making it.
Now, if the furnace dies, or the van dies, I will be crying.
I figure as long as we have a roof, heat, and food, I can't complain.

Quite the conversations we are having today over here, just like going out for coffee with the girls:)

kristi noser said...

there's an idea...

Anonymous said...

Mine will have to be a virtual cup. But would love to do it.

Carla, glad you have heat!!!

And, speaking of the dead van, LadyD, I topped off my afternoon by running out of gas on the way back from picking up the kids today. That's something I can say I've never done before. Until today.

By an odd chance, a friend who wouldn't normally have been there went home that way today and stopped. And brought me gas. Twice, because 1 gallon wasn't enough because i was on a steep hill.

Luckily, the flute teacher was late for my daughter's lesson, so we didn't miss her. And I got back before hubby so I got to erase the message I left on the home machine that said, "Call me on my cell. We're sitting on French St. Oh, and thanks for having YOUR cell phone on...." (Followed by my son in the car inquiring, "Mom, was that sarcasm?")

kristi noser said...

Astute observation, Junior!