Sunday, January 04, 2009

Aqua Doodle


blackbelt said...

My son wasn't either. Takes too long. Why wait when you get instant gratification on a magnadoodle or just plain paper and pen??

Talk about hype for the parents.

Heather of the EO said...

Miles isn't that into his either. I think it's magical.

kristi noser said...

what the heck is it?

MaryLu said...

We LOVED our Aqua Doodle!! We had cute little "stamps" you could press on also.
One thing to note, however, let it completely dry before you fold it and put it away. (Our's got MOLDY!!) YUck!
Enjoy your A ma zing new toy, Carla!

Carla said...

Momma's Aqua Doodle!!! :)
It's this mat see, and there are these pens that you fill with water like this and then you write and doodle and it dries all amazing like.

I am wondering which of The Littles will pee on it first.

LadyD said...

We love ours too!
We've had it for a couple years, No mess, no markers, no baths. Lovely!
Ours even has a truck that follows the water where you draw! Fun Fun~

LadyD said...

Word Verification was:

That must have something to do with urine and pen.....
hope not for your sake....

How does word verification pick out letters from our conversations? Weird-