Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nature Training

Update: I just sent my son off with fingernails longer than mine.

Joshua heads to 3 days of camp with his class today. He is all packed and ready and I am thinking he just might enjoy the bonding time and team building. The teachers were DESPERATE for parent helpers so I picked a time on Friday I could come out. I am thinking they already have plans for me for the day. Just in case, I got some resources together for the classes I would like to teach in The Great Outdoors.
1. Tracking the Elusive Wildebeest
(formerly known as Snipe Hunt)
2. Pleistocene Schmeistocene
3. Skinning Your Bison
4. The Gray Squirrel-Friend or Foe?
5. All Day Silence Endurance Training
6. Why Use Flint When You Have a Match?


Anonymous said...

OMG - I'm going to start advanced training my brood in #5 right away!! Thanks! =D

Katie R. said...

I love them. I would sign up for Mrs.Stream's classes any day. Let us know what the kids think of them.

kristi noser said...

How to build a fire in the rain--propane torch required.
I'm coming out to see the bison skinnin'.

Carla said...


Sherilyn -Dominee Huisvrouw said...

His long fingernails might come in handy for the "Skinning Your Bison" seminar

Carla said...

Oooh. Very good! Sherilyn the Survivalist!! Welcome!!

LadyD said...

Boy, aren't we all so funny today!
Must be Wednesday.....

Anonymous said...

You are obviously the kind of mom who makes things fun!