Thursday, March 13, 2008


We have entered a new phase of childrearing. I have been here before. It is not unchartered territory. Timmers has entered The Toilet Zone. He is a stealthy one. Nathan usually tells me about the things he tosses in. He wasn't all that concerned until I heard him yell, "Dane it Timmers! Momma, Timmers threw my Mater underpants in the toiwet!"

I know. I know that there are locks for the toilet. What about the three other Stream cherubs that would be doing the pee pee dance and fumbling with a lock? I am more of a Teach Them Not To Do It type mother. This whole house would have been in lock down since 1997.


Keithslady said...

Complete agreement here.

Gabe would be trained if I just put him in the tub every few hours. I'm considering putting the little potty in the tub since he already thinks that's the place to go.

erin said...

"Mater underpants?"
Please translate.
One time my brother flushed Gumbie. (Gumby?) The plumber thought it was hilarious.

Kelli said...

Erin - As in "Tow-Mater" without the Tuh.

(from Cars)

Carla said...

I suppose if Timmers knew the all of the words to Cars Momma could say,

"Tims, what did I tell you about throwing Mater underpants into the toilet?"

Tims might say, "Ta not ta."

Kara Jo said...

You crack me up. Did you rescue the Maters?

Carla said...

Of course. That's my job. :)

MaryLu said...

All I can do is laugh!!
Ta not ta.
Oh my goodness too funny, does he really talk like mater? We love Mater at our house, every time someone sneezes, "I lost my hud!"

nutmeg said...

I'm right there with you. I keep finding my brush in the toilet!

Bananas said...

Oh my stars... the "WHAT CAN WE THROW IN THE TOILET NEXT" game will be the death of me, I'm sure of it.
And I think I'm more of a "teach him not to do it until my back is turned" type parent, as much as I wish it weren't true!

NoOtherName said...

I think us moms could write volumes on the wonderful topic of THE TOILET!