Saturday, March 29, 2008


Joshua told his family that he was working on a power point presentation on inventors at school. He described how it works and what his fellow classmates have been learning. Not to be outdone, Sarah piped up. She said that she had a challenge. She was supposed to see how long she could go without drinking water. She figured she could make it without water, "Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday." Daddy questioned, "Sarah, did your teacher tell you about this? Who told you?" Sarah confessed, "I made it up."

Mommy has a confession too. That girl may have watched a few too many episodes of The Biggest Loser.

1 comment:

MaryLu said...

Good weight loss, I guess. Poor girl. "I made it up."
Hee hee, what will they think of next?