Friday, December 28, 2007

A Tiny Tale

Once upon a time in a land called ShareNot there lived 4 citizens and a mayor and a sheriff. The mayor and sheriff did their best to tell of the joys of sharing. The town chant was "Share! Now!" and the town cheer was "You've got that ball now Share, Share! You've got that ball now Share!" The citizens were having none of it. Until one afternoon in the mountains of Christmas Goodness there came a peculiar sound. A tiny voice echoed through the valley, "Will you play with me?" and a tinier voice answered, "Yes!" The name of this land was changed to ShareALot and they all shared happily ever after. Well, not really.


Katie R. said...

While Erin's writing her novel maybe you could write a children's book. Can you spare the time off from your sheriff duties? Or were you the mayor?

Carla said...

I have 3 children's books written only in my brain. Pat is the sheriff. I am the mayor.

kristi noser said...

Carla, about those books...
Share! Share! Share!

MaryLu said...

Wow, when will the citizen of NeverShare, (my home) decide they want to change their name? Maybe I should draw up a petition?

Kara Jo said...

Hmm...Christmas break makes for some good story ideas.