Saturday, December 01, 2007

Not Rules, Guidelines

There are a few guidelines we follow around here when it comes to decorating for Christmas. The first and most obvious to us is Christmas-Keep Out of Reach of Children. Joshua and Sarah are at the perfect age to stand in awe of the Tannenbaum, but I can send them to your house to do that. There are littles to think about. So here are the Stream Family Decorating Guidelines.

1. When dragging out the fake Tannenbaum make sure the calendar reads December 23rd.

2. Find a small corner in the living room and jam the tree in.

3. Using heavy wire, nail that baby to the wall.

4. Use lights sparingly. Remember last year? Nathan ate a red bulb like candy.

5. Decorations are fine, but why spread them all over the tree? They eventually migrate to the top anyway. Start at the top.

6. If concerned about the lack of presents, make some decoys. Otherwise the real loot does not belong under the tree until the calendar reads December 23rd.

7. If the loot does make it under there early due to a fatal case of "Christmas Spirit" stand guard at all times with a roll of wrapping paper, scissors and scotch tape. Rewrap swiftly and consistently.

8. All other decorations are put on hold.

9. Except the manger scene. And the Santa cookie jar. And the wreath. And a paper chain. Maybe stockings.

10. Hang stockings from the ceiling.


Unknown said...

I am rethinking my enthusiasm about hanging deacorations today. I was all pumped up...but that was only because I was intentionally in denial.

Babe, we could turn this around. Lets place bets on when the tree will get tipped over the first time and then the 100th time. Lets wager over how many pieces of tinsel Timmers will eat. How about a game to see how much water a cat can take sprayed up his nose (for climbing the tree)?

Butrfly Garden said...

Also applies to cats.

Carla said...

Do you mean actually "having fun" with it. I am against that.

Carla said...

Forgetting the question mark is going to bug me all day.


kristi noser said...

Here's my solution: Let the kiddos do it and take what you get. They will have fun amidst the screaming!

zcoffeegirl said...

LOL....I love the line about hanging the stockings from the ceiling. You can do it.....we taped lights up in all the kids rooms. They love them. Masking tape is a wonderful thing. The cat? Confine to the basment. (hope I don't get in trouble for that last line.)

Kim N. said...

Maybe spraying water on the children when they touch the tree or unrap a gift.

Did I just type that!!!

Kelli said...

I knew a woman once whose children really had a problem with NOT opening their presents before Christmas. She told them one year that if they did, she would take the presents back to the store. They got caught. She made them come along to the store. They were all crying.

This year, the kidders are decorating the tree. Lights and all. I usually stress out about the know, it has to be perfect, no strings showing, lights all just so. Forget it. I'm letting that go.

I would appreciate your prayers.

zcoffeegirl said...

Oh, Kelli, this will make your skin crawl...may I indulge on your blog, Carla?

I sent my ENFP husband to the store to buy white lights. Did he come home with normal white lights? NO...he brought home twinkling lights. I filled the bottom half with three strands, because I love lights inside the tree. I didn't have anymore I dug into our box of outside lights (which have never been hung in three years)and jimmy-rigged icicle type stringers on the top half. So, the bottom half is dancing and the top half has jangles. It's actually growing on me. Every time I look at it, I laugh. many possibilities...keeps this ISFJ on her toes.

Thanks, Carla.

Kelli said...

LOL! Do the kids just love that? I bet!