Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I don't think toddlers truly appreciate Thanksgiving. Let me change that. I don't think MY toddler did. Timothy had been fighting a cold and losing so we tried the "get a good nap in before we go" routine. HA. He slept an hour. Timmers squawked while I put him in the highchair during the sit down, formal dinner and to get him to stop I started shoveling some food at him. I burned his mouth on the creamed corn. Later on he wandered around and tried to find something interesting. Momma didn't pack any boy toys. In his wanderings, he fell down the stairs. You know the hard wood kind with no carpeting on them? Yeah, that kind. He went head over heels and Momma was horrified. He added 3 more lumps to his collection. He fussed all the way home and putting Lumpy to bed was a huge relief. A Toddler Thanksgiving. Tough Stuff.


erin said...

Sounds like my day.
$10 says I fall down the stairs this afternoon.

Irene said...

Too funny. Only another parent can appreciate the importance of a good nap before a big day. His day was sad, but also comical! Poor guy!