Saturday, October 06, 2007


The regularly scheduled funny is being postponed to bring you my very first poem. I have been writing poetry since I made the following up at age 4 and banged it out on my toy piano. I will spare you the journal after journal of teenage angst about love that I wrote.(the flame of our love flickered and went out on a cold winter's day...UGH)
Ahem. Ahem.

Five men in the dust
"Who is it?" said the preacher.
"It's only us."

Your silence tells me you are completely astounded. As you should be.

This poem does not try to figure out man's inhumanity to man or describe the struggle between the id, the ego and the superego. My love for words and putting those words together started there. At age 4. There is nothing to "get." Trust me.


kristi noser said...

I don't get it. But then I usually don't get poetry. VONDA!!!! GET OVER HERE!

Carla said...

I was 4. Are you home yet??

zcoffeegirl said...

I'm sorry..i don't get it either. You were you plunked it out on the piano and made your very first song out of it? Maybe we do need Vonda.

Carla said...

Let me clarify. I was 4.

Anonymous said...

Carla, how old were you when you wrote that? Did you say four?

-V- said...

Personally, I see in it the humility or 'smallness' a child feels while processing through the concept of mortality and applying it to her own forming identity... It's beautiful. Carla - I know you said there's nothing to 'get'... but sometimes that makes for the best stuff. Everybody gets to see what they see in it (or not see in it); the poem speaks, but doesn't preach. Thanks for sharing! P.S. Plus - it's almost a haiku (just discontract the it's) - Erin will love it!!

Kara Jo said...

Oh Vonda, I love you!

zcoffeegirl said...

I was completely confused..I thought you said that your dad wrote it and it was in his wallet for years. I kept wondering what was wrong with your dad. Thanks for your patience, sweets. I get what's not to get now. Thanks so much. are such a pro.

Katie R. said...

I know that there's nothing to "get" and that you were 4 but, I think that's an awfully good poem for a little girl to think up. I'm impressed. Blog on Mrs. Sream, blog on.

theswamphare said...

I think it's evocative of childhood.

I like it very much.

'ghkhemql'; my word verification. Did I pass the field sobriety test?