Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I just did something that set me free. I threw away a puzzle. Not just any puzzle, mind you but a Blue's Clues puzzle. A big, plastic one with chunky pieces. Steve's huge head goes here and his big brown shoes go there. Where is that last piece?! My children take apart the puzzle and I put it back together. For Years this has been going on. I put it together for the last time today. I asked myself WHY? Why do I have this puzzle in my possession? I shrugged and threw it in the trash. I feel lighter. Ah, freedom. It's so free isn't it?
If you are going to attempt this today I suggest covering the wretched object with papers(NOT school papers)or maybe a paper plate, shoving it to the bottom. I have a child named Sarah that has an eye out for treasure trash. "Mom, you threw that away? I colored that cat purple last year and I was saving it for someone!"
Freedom is worth any cost, I tell you.


Katie R. said...

I'm laughing at this. Yet another description to add to the resume: Top Secret Disposer of Trash.

Butrfly Garden said...

It is very liberating to rid yourself of things like that.

Mine is Yu-gi-oh cards (or magic cards, or playing cards or basically any kind of card that comes in a set). They get their little "games" set up then something else catches their attention and I'm left with 70 cards strewn throughout my living area. TO THE TRASH! (After a warning, of course...sometimes).

And OH MAN do I know not to throw school papers away!

Kara Jo said...

Right there with ya, babe!

Carla said...

I can't even begin to type about YuGi Oh. Blah.
If you are throwing away school papers-shove them to the bottom of the bag the night before the sanitation engineer comes. Move the bag out to the trash receptacle in the middle of the night.

erin said...

Occasionally, I have to do this sort of thing with my husband's clothing. He freaks out if he finds what I've thrown away, but I'm sorry! There is absolutely NO reason that he should be wearing underwear he got in high school.
Can I get an amen?

Carla said...


Katie R. said...

too funny!