Timothy broke a Kid Commandment yesterday. They are not written in stone, only in my head. Thou shalt not whine. Thou shalt not sit on thy brother's head. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's toys. Thou shalt not throw thy sippy cup. Thou shalt not pull fist fulls of fur off thy cat. Thou shalt not be a Klingon. Thou shalt not smack thy mother. Thou shalt not flail. So many more. So little time.
Timmers let out a blood curdling scream yesterday. He staggered up to me, screaming, crying and carrying on holding out his index finger. I was prepared to tweeze, disinfect, ice, bind and kiss a boo-boo. I held his babyboy finger in my hand and deftly removed the blade of grass that was afflicting him so. The commandment had been broken and will be again. Thou shalt not freak over nothing.
Maybe it's the name? My Timmy is the SAME way!
So you are a Sarah and I have a Sarah and I have a Timboy and so do you. Cool.
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