Monday, August 27, 2007


Summer comes and brings with it thunderstorms. I happen to love them. More than love them. I lurve them. The CRACK of the lightening, the BA BOOM of the thunder!! I have not been able to convince Sarah to have that same lurve. Since the age of 3, the girl has freaked. Oh, the wailing, the gnashing of teeth and the carrying on over lightening and thunder. She wakes her Mama up at all hours every summer and whines for protection. For the last four summers I have held her, prayed with her, given her hugs and kisses and flashlights. I have explained away the storm, people. It is 5am and I have been awake since 2:30am escorting my lass back to bed and doing that sleepy talky-talky thing. I am thankful that summer is almost over. I am tired. Tired of thunderstorms.


erin said...

I can identify.
Rich isn't afraid of thunderstorms, but has a very hard time getting in and out of bed, which he does on a regular basis during the night. I haven't slept straight through in over a month. : (
You're tired of thunderstorms...I'm tired of broken legs!

theswamphare said...

Our little Anna-shadow just flits in and crawls under the covers of our bed, then covers her ears to keep the thunder out. Timmy just sleeps through whatever.

kristi noser said...

Eli always wakes up and comes in and wakes us up. Until now, last night he just went into the kitchen and had breakfast. At 430 am. Turned a corner, we have.