Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Not Tuff Enuff

Joshua is a bully magnet and has been since preschool. He is sensitive and kind. A poet, a dreamer, a peacemaker. Which will definitely wow his wife someday, but it's the kiss of death in public school. Even at Camp Slowie there is a boy that can't seem to stop himself from punching and pushing my boy around. I am fighting the urge to go grab someone by the throat. Crack some skulls, take some names. Make a snotty phone call to a bully's mother. You know, MamaBear stuff. Joshua does know the steps. Avoid the bully, tell him to knock it off, if he doesn't, consider smacking him back, talk to the teacher or the principal. Blah, blah, blah. I sent him off today knowing he just might do what he does every time. Wait for that bully to want Joshua as a good friend.


Anonymous said...

Aw. Your heart just breaks for them, doesn't it? Why can't people just be kind and normal?

Anonymous said...

When I was in Jr. High, I used to get put at the same table as the kids that got picked on; the teachers knew that, if I was there, the bullies would leave them alone or face a beating 'behind the bleachers' after school. My distaste for bullies led me to a 27-year career in the US Army; I retired last week but I still can't tolerate a bully whether it's a child or a third-world dictator.

Now, as Paul Harvey would say, you know the rest of my story.

Mark Felton

Carla said...

On behalf of all jr. high dorks (myself included)may I just say THANK YOU!! Congratulations on your Army career and the freedoms you fought for! Now you are Top Chef!

kristi noser said...

Mark, will you be his bodyguard?
That'd be sweet.

Bananas said...

Oh man, I cannot handle when nice kids get bullied. It drives me crazy! I am scared to send CJ to public school.