Friday, June 08, 2007

Not Those

The tooth fairy has been working overtime at our house. My chillers grow and lose teeth like nobody's bidness. Lately, I just hand them a dollar when they produce a tooth. I'm too tired to get up and change into my tutu in the middle of the night. Sarah announced she had two more loose teeth. What?! I asked her which ones and she pointed to her two front ones. Which would be crazy exciting except those came out last year.


Kim N. said...

What??!! You were issued a tutu? No fair!!!

I have seen Mikkena banging her teeth on stuff just to get them to loosen up.

Carla said...

I love that spunky girl!

kristi noser said...

That chick will do anything for a dollar!

kristi said...

My daughter lost 3 teeth in a row last year! GAH. Was I ever broke.

Carla said...

Hi Kristi and Kristi,
Yeah, so many teeth out leaves a Momma without a lot of cash!