Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Say It

I like to think about sayings and their origins. Just where did they all come from? "Hindsight is 20/20," my beloved will say to me. I always respond, "Huh?"(I am nothing if not articulate) There is one pithy saying that has been on my brain for quite awhile. Slept like a baby. The person who coined this, must not have had a baby. I think that particular saying should be changed to fit the life experience or mood of the sayer.
For example-
Last night I slept like a 6 year old.
Last night I slept like a 41 year old.


Jennifer said...

I have always wondered who on Earth coined the "slept like a baby phrase" cause they were CRAZY!

kristi noser said...

Slept like a log, slept like a rock, slept like my 12 year old son at 6am. Never, never "slept like a baby". But then again, when we middle-agers wake once or twice a night, I guess we are slepping like a baby, huh?

kristi noser said...

I guess i need more slepp.

Anonymous said...

I've think about those types of things all the time. Where do they come up with them???