Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Good Advice

I had to let potty training go with Nathan. The boy just wasn't buying the whole concept. I am now focused on getting him into a big boy bed. Every night he pops out of his crib like toast at least 4-5 times. This goes on until 9:30pm on most nights. By then I am usually whimpering to him to go to sleep.(yes, I have tried ALL things known to momkind)I am building up the BBB and he is thrilled with the very thought. Last night my boy stayed in his crib! He said good night to me and went to sleep! I accidentally woke him up by going to check on him and he said sleepily, "You stay in bed too, Momma."


Katie R. said...

Follow the rules please, Carla.

Anonymous said...


You've got a smartie pants on your hands...telling mama like it is.

YEA for him sleeping! Why can't we just let them sleep? I have also woken the kids up when checking on them...I always want to kick myself.

Anonymous said...

What a smart boy! If only we could all take his advice. I know I can use some more sleep.

Carla said...

I think that I really want sleep, in fact daydream about it but I find myself staying up late because the house is FINALLY QUIET! I soak it up!

Karen S. said...

I was very frustrated as well with potty training and wanted to wait, so I began researching potty training a common theme seemed to be praise and positive reinforcement. I came across a website called We hung it in the kitchen and named the little boy on the front of the package, Bobby. My son could not wait to go to the potty so he could push the button, hear the praising message, and get his chocolate reward from, Bobby. It really got my son excited about using the potty himself and it was fun for him. Because he became so involved, potty training was easy. So give it a try. Good Luck!!

Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

ha ha ha!
Hope he stays sleeping. I can totally relate!

Kim N. said...

I think summer is a good time for boys to work on the potty training. Watering the bushes and trees is so fun! I also remember cousins running down to the lake to pee off the end of the dock.

I have failed in the getting children to sleep in their own bed department. I just cave in and let them climb into bed with me. I just can't stick to my guns when I am tired.

Carla said...

I hear ya, Kim. We all have to pick our battles. I refuse to fight about clothing unless inappropriate, and food. Don't want to eat it now? I will serve it up again later.