Saturday, May 26, 2007

Fussin For a Fix

I slowly opened the box. I tried not to crinkle the cellophane to alert the little sugar addicts that I live with. The cellophane did indeed crinkle and right on schedule a small person came to investigate. Nathan asked me what I was doing(as if he didn't know)and I told him I was unwrapping something. He immediately started begging for it. I told him it was not candy. He was not deterred in the least. I showed him and he grabbed it out of my hand. I guess an addict will do whatever they can for a fix. Including, but not limited to, swiping ant traps from Momma.


rt said...

Nice to know I'm not the only one with bionic ear children! Mine can hear an M&M bag opening while still at the store and they are at home! Not to mention super human smellers -- what are you eating, Mom? Nothing. What did you eat a few minutes ago? Um, nothing. Smells like chocolate. It was. Can I have some? Nope, all gone. Sometimes I eat so fast I don't enjoy it just so I don't have to share it 4 ways. M-bad.

Carla said...

I hear ya, sister! How about when you want to have a silly piece of gum but you don't because you don't have 4 silly pieces of gum to "share"!!??

Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

The bionic ears amaze me. I mean, they can't hear you yelling their name to hurry, but they can hear you unwrapping a treat?