Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I was invited by a friend to plant a garden at her house. Since our backyard is a maze of cherubtoys, I accepted. I immediately had a vision of myself as a master gardener. I was going to look so professional in a sunhat, garden femgloves, Croakies, and carrying my spade, trowel, hoe and Magic Claw. Oh, don't forget the watering can and Miracle-Gro. Instead I grabbed my flip flops and mentally prepared myself to work the land. When I got there my friend asked if I had brought everything. Yes. I brought seeds.

This is my 600th post!


Anonymous said...

Woohooo Congrats on the 600th post. Where does the time go!

It is always fun to spend someone else's money for you getting to enjoy your hobby.

Hmm, is that true with gardening? My thumb is as far away from green as it can get.

Carla said...

You know, Lene I honestly can't grow plants to save my life so at the end of the summer I'll let you know how the harvest goes. :)

Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

Congrats on 600!
Good luck with the gardening. Please tell me that there's hope for people with black thumbs! I would love to be able to garden.