Monday, April 23, 2007

Magic Beans

I am a big fan of Lisa Whelchel. She was Blair on The Facts of Life sitcom. She wrote a book called Creative Correction, which has been a godsend to me. It is full of tips and ideas on how to reward good behavior and discipline the not so good. We now have some Stream Programs going such as, Good Manner Beans, The Job Jar, The Nickels of No and The Dimes of Disrespect. I will explain the beans. They sit on the table at every meal. Every time the cherubs display their manners they receive a jellybean. Sarah has changed her tune to sound like this "Thank you, Mommy for making supper for me. May I have more water please? May I be excused please? Could I get some ketchup please? Thank you, Momma. This is good food. Thank you. I am finished. I'll bring my dishes up for you Momma. Thank you again for supper." YAY! Too bad my husband Pat shakes his head and rolls his eyes through every meal. He won't earn too many beans with that attitude.


erin said...

When Rich and I first got married a friend gave us a bean jar. The idea was that for the first year of marriage you were supposed to put one bean in the jar every time you... you know. Then for the rest of your marriage, take one OUT every time you... you know. Supposedly, you never run out of the beans from your first year of marriage. Rich was so horrified, we never tried it. I've always wondered, though.
I know, I know. Blog on your own blog, Erin. I just wanted to share my own "Bean Lesson."

Carla said...

Never heard of that one. Pretty sure we would have run out...I thought you were supposed to put a dollar in a jar every time you know then go to Hawaii on your 50th anniversary.

erin said...

Well, that makes a heckuvalot more sense than beans. Or cents, I should say.
Har, har.