Thursday, October 05, 2006

Love Notes

We started to get notes from our sanitation engineer a couple of weeks ago. It seems that the trash receptacle can no longer sit beside his friend, the recycle bin. They also cannot be placed in front of our lilac bush. Oh, and these guys have to be out on the curb, separated by 6am even though they are not picked up until 7am. As I looked around this morning I noticed that everyone else placed their twins together by bushes, trees and mailboxes. I feel discriminated against. Our sanitation engineer is intolerant of our beliefs in rushing the twins out to their favorite lilac bush at 6:59am. I don't know if I will sue, but Mr. Engineer's Christmas fruitcake is hanging in the balance.

1 comment:

kristi noser said...

Don'tcha think fruitcake is punishment enough?