Friday, July 28, 2006


Joshua watches me in my endless pursuit of doing this mothering gig and doing it well. He has noticed how much work it really is! I am asking him more and more, "Josh, can you burp Dim? Could you help Nathan? Will you get the stroller out?" He takes his role of big brother pretty seriously these days. As I whirled around this morning doing "the usual" he asked if it was hard to be a mom. I told him that it wasn't easy being a stay at home mom but that I know this is what God wants me to do. He said,"Well, it's not easy being a stay at home brother either."


kristi noser said...

Dear Joshie,
Pretty soon you will be a "go to school brother" and that will not be easy either. Keep pluggin' Junior!

erin said...

Tell Josh I'd trade him my crappy job for his crappy job ANY day.

Carla said...

He would tell me that crappy is a swear word.