Friday, June 09, 2006


Nathan was put into his crib for a timeout. After a couple of minutes his door opened and out he sauntered with a big smile. He matter of factly told his Mommy, "Out." Now hold on just a minute!! I am not ready for a mattress on the floor and the whole STAY IN BED routine! I suppose we could do the toddler bed thing or just go right to a twin bed, but I am gettting tired just thinking about it. HHHHMMMM...could I put him back into his crib for a timeout because he climbed out of his crib? I don't think I'll push my luck today.(Hello Friday!)

1 comment:

kristi noser said...

I think you made the right choice. Now, next time you put him to bed and tell him to stay in bed and he comes out, that will be another story.