Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Baby Food

Hard to believe but I could start Timothy on rice cereal now. Crazy. I will be holding off for at least a month only because it is "one more thing to do." After the rice cereal comes my least favorite baby stage. The baby food stage. I can handle white spit up for now, but yellow, green and orange is just yuck. I need to call my girlyfriend who loooovvvvveeeesss this stage and ask her to be my cheerleader.
You've Got That Spoon Now GO, GO!!
You've Got That Spoon Now GO!!


kristi noser said...

The beginning-rice-cereal stage is not as bad as the grab-the-spoon-food-flies-across-the-room stage, or knock-the-plate-off-the-tray stage. Hmmm?

Keithslady said...

Do you have trouble keeping your mouth closed while trying to get baby to open his? My older kids love watching my sypathetic jaw open and close as I try to will the baby to do the same.

Carla said...

Dear Kristi,
No I don't mind the rice stage...its the carrots, peas, squash that gags me.
Dear keithslady,
Yes. It's a mandatory mom reflex. We start out with the mascara mouth reflex and it moves on from there.

kristi noser said...

But how about the mixed dinners? Makes me gag just thinking about them. Nasty.
I made all of Hannah's baby food--first child and all. But Eli had the disgusting jar junk. Poor boy.