I received a manger scene soon after marriage. All of the figures are white porcelin.(how in the world does one spell porcelin? porcelein? PORS A LIN!!) I actually didn't buy the manger until it was clearanced last year at WalMart for $4.00. It has been interesting to watch each Stream child and their need to interact with the figurines. When Joshua was an only child at age 2, he was consistently throwing all wisemen into the garbage. I would open the lid and find them there, on top of everthing yucky. Sarah kept her sights strictly on baby Jesus. I could never find him and when questioned she would reply, "Baby Jesus is out for a ride in the Barbie car with Barbie and Strawberry Shortcake." Last year Nathan was content with just snapping heads off of wisemen. They were glued back on and I think they all look just as wise.(maybe wiser) Joshua added his own addition to the manger last year...his white Power Ranger. To protect the Baby Jesus from Herod I figured. I can hardly wait to see what will happen to the Holy Crew this year.
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