Sunday, November 27, 2005


I know this has never happened to any other mom in the trenches so I will describe to you what just transpired in the Stream house. Nathan was happily sucking down the contents of his sippy cup and then he signed "more" to me. I obliged him as he was quite thirsty and seemed to really enjoy the contents. Oh, hello happy sippy cup full of clean, pure drinking water...or so I thought. I opened the cup to find CURDLED MILK!! GAG! Gosh, how could I have overlooked that in this crazy house??!!


Anonymous said...

And I guess you knew Babe that I was not offering my assistance by the way I gagged and turned away. Thanks for taking care of that you are so good at.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's been done before at our house, too. I believe it was the milk cup lost then found under the couch.