Monday, November 28, 2005

Van Update

If you have read the post called My Bad then you would already know that I gave the van a big boo boo backing out of the garage. Because one of the side doors is crunched shut, our van is trying in vain to decide if the door is REALLY shut or not. Taking Joshua to school this morning was hilarious as the indoor lights kept going on and off, the door locks kept locking and unlocking and as the door open light kept flashing, the bell that goes along with that kept dinging. Talk about a freak show of a ride. Sarah asked, "Who keeps doing that??!!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember when vehicles didn't have computer chips? The only way to know if the door was open is if you heard the annoying whoosh of air that was sucked into the crack. Someone would say, "The door's open." and without pulling over, much less stopping, you'd open it and pull 'er shut. If you were little it might even take a few tries.